Kick it Over the Cliff – Letting Go of Things That Aren’t Ours to Bear

Holding onto issues that are not ours ends up being toxic to our everyday lives. At the end of a visualization exercise that I do with my clients in session, I often hear them express surprise at the emotional alleviation that they experience. This visualization helps them to separate what is theirs from what is…

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Betrayal & Blame

When a marriage is ending, people tend to try and find logical reasons why. Even loving people tend to try and find logical reasons, often asking questions that can sometimes do more harm than good. When a marriage ends due to betrayal, often the betrayed partner is asked questions that allude to them being to…

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Therapy- Short-Term Relief or Long-Term Healing?

There’s something alleviating about the process of venting out our thoughts and feelings. Some amazing feelings come of that– relief, feeling understood, maybe a connection with another person, not feeling alone, etc. Someone to sit with you while you’re in pain. Even if it is in silence. I hope we have all felt that in…

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Narcissism- When it’s more than just selfishness.

Have you ever met someone who utterly confused you, one moment seeming to be sincere in their relationship with you, then at the next turn leaving you to feel disconnected, emotionally exhausted, and used? What about someone who appeared to have good intentions in working with you, but when the “goal” was met, not acknowledging…

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