Dark, Dreaded Depression

Depression. It is a heavy word that everyone knows, and nearly everyone experiences during their life. But what is it exactly? Is being really sad depression? Is lacking motivation depression? If someone is depressed, is there anything that can be done that will really help? And where does depression come from?

There are some basic symptoms and signs that go together that we call depression. Those include:



  • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
  • Trouble getting to sleep, sleeping, or sleeping too much
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements and speech
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
  • Thoughts of death or suicide


A combination of these symptoms felt for a minimum of 2 weeks straight could be diagnosed as depression. And the amount of time as well as the depth of the feeling is what makes it clinical depression as opposed to “just” feeling depressed. Everyone has down days, but when they last so long and are so very deep, then it is time to seek help. (Important side note- if these feelings last for 13 days, just because the two-week mark hasn’t been hit yet doesn’t mean help is not needed. The same goes for any suicidal thoughts. If it feels like help is needed, then by all means, get help, please!)

But what causes depression? Is it a “chemical imbalance”? (An interesting side note, no one knows what a healthy “chemical balance” in our brains is, and there is no proof that a chemical imbalance exists, but it is still talked about a lot as if it were fact.) Is it weakness? (No!) Depression can come from many different sources, such as illness, thyroid issues, anemia, or other physiological problem, but often it comes from things in our lives going wrong or piling up. Loss of a loved one, end of a relationship, loss of a job, children growing up and leaving home, infidelity of a spouse, constant stress at work or school, bullying, or any number of sad, stressful, or overwhelming events, especially when combined or lasting a long time, can make us feel down. And when they pile up or don’t stop, the weight can become too much. And depression sets in. There is only so much the human mind and body can take before it isn’t able to cope. And the longer or deeper one is in it, the harder it becomes to get out on our own.

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in our country. The good news is there is much that can be done to overcome it. The most important being, don’t go through it alone! Talk to friends and loved ones. Get help with encouragement to get out of the house and move (walk, run, bike, etc. Consistent exercise can be powerful in helping to pull out of the most debilitating effects of depression.) Listen to happy, upbeat music. Go outside in the sun, breathe some fresh air. And if these things don’t work, seek out a competent therapist for counseling. Depression is not only common but highly treatable. A therapist can help find the source of the depression and offer help to take the steps to get out from under it. When depression sets in, it is hard to see a way out. But there is always a way out and back to feeling good again.

Remember, even if it feels hopeless, there is always hope, even when it is hard to see.