Love Your Spouse More Than Your Phone

Love your spouse more than your phone - Redwood Family TherapyI love technology. I couldn’t live without my cell phone or my laptop. But our modern technologies that keep us so connected with the world tend to make us less connected with our families. 

Too often I see time at home filled with TV shows, surfing the internet, and chatting on the phone. Couples on dates are often both on their phones with other people, texting, or even posting to facebook about their date instead of being on the date! When you are there with your spouse, BE THERE with your spouse.  Turn off your cell phone.  Stay off the computer.  Eyes on your spouse, not on a screen.  Listen, talk, laugh, hold hands. Be deliberate about your technology and don’t let it lead your life. Email will still be there after you spend time together. Voicemail works and you can check it later. Texts don’t disappear. Status updates can wait. On those special times together, and at least an hour daily at home, turn your attention towards each other and away from screens and keyboards.

Electronics don’t care if you pay attention to them or not, but your spouse does.