Kick it Over the Cliff – Letting Go of Things That Aren’t Ours to Bear

Holding onto issues that are not ours ends up being toxic to our everyday lives. At the end of a visualization exercise that I do with my clients in session, I often hear them express surprise at the emotional alleviation that they experience. This visualization helps them to separate what is theirs from what is…

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Is It ADHD or Is It Trauma?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a term that’s thrown around a lot in our society.  Symptoms commonly displayed are a racing mind, the inability to maintain focus or follow through, lack of concentration, forgetfulness or foggy thinking, restlessness, irritability, hyperactivity, over-focus, compulsions and/or obsessive thinking.  If an individual, adult or child, displays any of these symptoms,…

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What is Trauma Anyway?

The word “trauma” has a bad reputation.  True, trauma is never associated with good things, but even just the word can cause a negative reaction within us.  If we were to label the same situation as “challenging” rather than “traumatic”, would it create a different response?  Instead of running away from the situation, would we…

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